Setup Full Node

This document details how to join the Secret Network secret-4 mainnet as a full node. Once your full node is running and synced to the last block, you can use it


Secret Network has strict Hardware Requirements, see Hardware Compliance. If your machine does not meet them, it will *NOT* work as a node.

  • Ubuntu/Debian host, recommended is Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or 22.04 LTS.

  • A public IP address, so that other nodes can connect to you.

  • Open ports TCP 26656 & 26657 Note: If you're behind a router or firewall then you'll need to port forward on the network device.

  • RPC address of an already active node. You can use any node that exposes RPC services, please see API Endpoints Mainnet (Secret-4).


Install SGX and secretd

This guide assumes you've already installed the latest version of secretd and SGX.

For more information on how to install SGX, see instructions here.

If you need help with installing secretd, please take a look at Install secretd.

Initialize Secret Network Configs

Choose a moniker for yourself, and replace <MONIKER> with whatever name you like (could be some random string, or just how you like to name to node) below. This moniker is your public nickname of the node in the network.

secretd init <MONIKER> --chain-id secret-4

This will generate the following files in ~/.secretd/config/

  • genesis.json

  • node_key.json

  • priv_validator_key.json

Download genesis.json

wget -O ~/.secretd/config/genesis.json ""
# verify genesis.json checksum
echo "759e1b6761c14fb448bf4b515ca297ab382855b20bae2af88a7bdd82eb1f44b9 $HOME/.secretd/config/genesis.json" | sha256sum --check

Initialize Secret Enclave

Initialize /opt/secret/.sgx_secrets:

mkdir -p /opt/secret/.sgx_secrets

You can choose between two methods, automatic or manual:

Initialize Secret Enclave - Automatic Registration (EXPERIMENTAL)

WARNING: This method is experimental, and may not work. If it doesn't work, skip to manual registration.

The following commands will create the necessary environment variables and attempt to automatically register the node.

export SCRT_ENCLAVE_DIR=/usr/lib
export SCRT_SGX_STORAGE=/opt/secret/.sgx_secrets
secretd auto-register

If this step was successful, you can skip straight to Optimization.

Initialize Secret Enclave - Manual Registration

secretd init-enclave

Verify Enclave Initialization

The attestation certificate should have been created by the previous step

ls -lh /opt/secret/.sgx_secrets/attestation_combined.bin

Verify the certificate is valid. A 64-character registration key will be printed if it was successful.

PUBLIC_KEY=$(secretd dump /opt/secret/.sgx_secrets/pubkey.bin)

If registration was NOT succesfull consider checking out the Registration troubleshoot help or contact a fellow validator on our discord.

Configure secretd

The following steps should use secretd be ran on the full node itself. To run the steps with secretd on a local machine, set up the CLI there.

Configure secretd. Initially you'll be using the bootstrap node, as you'll need to connect to a running node and your own node is not running yet.

secretd config set client chain-id secret-4
secretd config set client node
secretd config set client output json

Fund Secret Wallet

If you already have a wallet funded with SCRT, you can import the wallet by doing the following:

secretd keys add <key-alias> --recover

Otherwise, you will need to set up a key. Make sure you back up the mnemonic and the keyring password.

secretd keys add <key-alias>

This will output your address, a 45 character-string starting with secret1....

Configure Node Attestation

  1. Register your node on-chain

secretd tx register auth /opt/secret/.sgx_secrets/attestation_combined.bin -y --gas 700000 --from <key-alias>

2. Pull & check your node's encrypted seed from the network

SEED=$(secretd query register seed $PUBLIC_KEY | cut -c 3-)
echo $SEED

3. Get additional network parameters

These are necessary to configure the node before it starts.

secretd query register secret-network-params
ls -lh ./io-master-key.txt ./node-master-key.txt

Configure Secret Node

From here on, commands must be ran on the full node.

mkdir -p ~/.secretd/.node
secretd configure-secret node-master-key.txt $SEED


In order to be able to handle NFT minting and other Secret Contract-heavy operations, it's recommended to update your SGX memory enclave cache:

sed -i.bak -e "s/^contract-memory-enclave-cache-size *=.*/contract-memory-enclave-cache-size = \"15\"/" ~/.secretd/config/app.toml

Also checkout this document by block pane for fine tuning your machine for better uptime.

Set minimum-gas-price Parameter

We recommend 0.1uscrt per gas unit:

perl -i -pe 's/^minimum-gas-prices = .+?$/minimum-gas-prices = "0.1uscrt"/' ~/.secretd/config/app.toml

Your node will not accept transactions that specify --fees lower than the minimun-gas-price you set here.

Set IAVL-disable-fastnode

IAVL fast node must be disabled, otherwise the daemon will attempt to upgrade the database whil state sync is occuring.

sed -i.bak -e "s/^iavl-disable-fastnode *=.*/iavl-disable-fastnode = true/" $HOME/.secretd/config/app.toml

Enable secret-node:

Note that the secret-node system file is created when installing sgx.

sudo systemctl enable secret-node 

You are now a now ready to finally sync the full node. 🎉.

Go to Statesync or Quicksync / Snapshot to continue.


To sync to head quickly, please see Quicksync / Snapshot.

State Sync

You can skip syncing from scratch or download a snapshot by Statesync to the current block.

Get Node ID

secretd tendermint show-node-id

And publish yourself as a node with this ID:


Be sure to point your CLI to your running node instead of the bootstrap node

secretcli config node tcp://localhost:26657

If someone wants to add you as a peer, have them add the above address to their persistent_peers in their ~/.secretd/config/config.toml.

And if someone wants to use your node from their secretcli then have them run:

secretcli config set client chain-id secret-4
secretcli config set client output json
secretcli config set client indent true
secretcli config set client node tcp://<your-public-ip>:26657

Optional: Become a Validator

To turn your full node into a validator, see Joining Mainnet as a Validator.

Last updated

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