Functions, Methods, and Data Structures


Data Structures

The essential parameters required for chacha20poly1305flow are defined in the following data structure:


A data structure that is visible to all network participants and can be transmitted over non-secure channels

/// A data structure that is safe to be visible by all network participants and can be transmited over non-secure channels
struct EncryptedParams {
    /// Encrypted payload containging hidden message
    pub payload            :   Binary,
    /// Sha256 hash of the payload
    pub payload_hash       :   Binary,
    /// Signed base64 digest of the payload_hash being wrapped
    /// in an cosmos arbitrary (036) object and rehashed again with sha256
    pub payload_signature  :   Binary,
    /// Public key of wallet used for deriving a shared key for chacha20_poly1305
    /// Not necessary the same as user's public key 
    pub user_key           :   Binary,
    /// One-time nonce used for chacha20_poly1305 encryption
    pub nonce              :   Binary,


Data meant to be encrypted and stored in the payload field of EncryptedParams

/// Data meant to be encrypted and stored in the payload field of [EncryptedParams]
pub struct EncryptedPayload {
    /// bech32 prefix address of a wallet used for signing hash of the payload 
    pub user_address   :  String,
    /// Public key of a wallet used for signing hash of the payload 
    pub user_pubkey   :   Binary,
    /// Human readable prefix for the bech32 address on the remote cosmos chain
    pub hrp           :   String,
    /// Plaintext message e.g. normal `ExecuteMsg` of your contract
    pub msg           :   Binary,

Custom Contract Message

Your contract must define an endpoint where a user can pass all the required fields of the EncryptedParams. E.g:

pub enum ExecuteMsg {

    Encrypted {
        payload             :   Binary,
        payload_signature   :   Binary,
        payload_hash        :   Binary,
        user_key            :   Binary,
        nonce               :   Binary,


If you want to define a custom message, rename the fields, or add additional fields, there is a helpful trait WithEncryption that you can implement. It simply tells the compiler how to extract the essential parameters from your custom message and turn it into EncryptedParams

trait WithEncryption : Serialize + Clone  {
    fn encrypted(&self)     -> EncryptedParams;
    fn is_encrypted(&self)  -> bool;

Implementing the trait for your message will allow you to use other useful methods of the SDK (like handle_encrypted_wrapper) that significantly simplify the development experience.

Example of the implementation for the ExecuteMsg is as follows:

impl WithEncryption for ExecuteMsg {
   fn encrypted(&self)     -> EncryptedParams {
       match self.clone() {
           ExecuteMsg::Encrypted {
           } => EncryptedParams {
           _ => panic!("Not encrypted")


   fn is_encrypted(&self)  -> bool {
       if ExecuteMsg::Encrypted{..} = self {
       } else {

Extending existing data structures

The SDK has multiple data structures that already implement WithEncryption trait and also use the template engine of Rust to make them easily extendable. Take for example the following message:

pub enum GatewayExecuteMsg<E = Option<Empty>> 
    where E: JsonSchema
    ResetEncryptionKey  {} ,

    Encrypted {
        payload             :   Binary,
        payload_signature   :   Binary,
        payload_hash        :   Binary,
        user_key            :   Binary,
        nonce               :   Binary,

    Extension {
        msg : E

You can define a new message that extends the GatewayExecuteMsg by simply providing a new type for the Extension instead of the default Option<Empty> like this:

// Degine your custom message
pub enum MyCustomMessage {
    HandleFoo {}
    HandleBar {}
// Extend the GatewayExecuteMsg
pub type MyGatewayExecuteMsg = GatewayExecuteMsg<MyCustomMessage>;

Your extended type in this case is available under MyGatewayExecuteMsg::Extension variant and you can use it in your contract like this:

/// MyGatewayExecuteMsg
match msg {
    ResetEncryptionKey => { ... },

    MyGatewayExecuteMsg::Extension{msg} => {

        /// MyCustomMessage
        match msg {
            MyCustomMessage::HandleFoo{} => {
                // Do something
            MyCustomMessage::HandleBar{} => {
                // Do something

Functions and methods


The encryption logic, handle_encrypted_wrapper, is where the encryption magic happens

You can review the function in the SDK here. It has the following functionality:

  1. Check if Message is Encrypted:

    • If the message is encrypted (msg.is_encrypted()), it proceeds with decryption.

  2. Extract Encryption Parameters:

    • Retrieves the encryption parameters from the message (msg.encrypted()).

  3. Check Nonce:

    • Ensures the nonce has not been used before to prevent replay attacks.

  4. Load Encryption Wallet:

    • Loads the encryption wallet from storage.

  5. Decrypt Payload:

    • Decrypts the payload using the wallet and the provided parameters (payload, user_key, and nonce).

      let decrypted  = wallet.decrypt_to_payload(

decrypt_to_payload uses chacha20poly1305 algorithm

  1. Verify Credentials:

  • Constructs a CosmosCredential from the decrypted data.

  • Inserts the nonce into storage to mark it as used.

  • Verifies the sender using the verify_arbitrary function with the credential.

  1. Deserialize Inner Message:

  • Converts the decrypted payload into the original message type E.

  • Ensures the decrypted message is not encrypted (nested encryption is not allowed).

  1. Return Decrypted Message and Updated Info:

  • Returns the decrypted message and updated MessageInfo with the verified sender.


The following function uses the following types for as the input parameters:

  • cosmwasm_std::Binary,

  • std::vec::Vec.

  • [u8]

  • and others that implement Deref<Target = [u8]> trait

pub fn chacha20poly1305_decrypt(
    ciphertext    :     &impl Deref<Target = [u8]>,
    key           :     &impl Deref<Target = [u8]>,
    nonce         :     &impl Deref<Target = [u8]>,
) -> StdResult<Vec<u8>> {

Various authentication utilities

To verify a message that was was signed through a method cosmos arbitrary (036) message format, you can use the following function:

fn verify_arbitrary<M : Display>(api:  &dyn Api, cred: &CosmosCredential<M>) -> StdResult<String>

The method takes in a CosmosCredential struct as an argument which is a a helpful wrapper over essential required fields required for the verification:

pub struct CosmosCredential<M = String> 
    where M: Display
    /// public key matching the respective secret that was used to sign message
    pub pubkey    :   Binary,
    /// signed sha256 digest of a message wrapped in arbitary data (036) object
    pub signature :   Binary,
    /// signed inner message before being wrapped with 036
    pub message   :   M,
    /// prefix for the bech32 address on remote cosmos chain
    pub hrp       :   String

Both CosmosCredential and EncryptedParams can be used with String or base64 encoded Binary types

To generate a preamble message for the cosmos arbitrary (036) message format, you can use the following utility function:

fn preamble_msg_arb_036(signer: &str, data: &str) -> String

The function uses a hardcoded JSON string with all the required keys present and sorted.

Last updated

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