๐Ÿ”Ledger with SecretCLI

For a more advanced user, it is possible to interface with the CLI utility, SecretCLI with a Ledger device. You can get it here. These are some basic examples of commands you can use with your Ledger device. You may notice that most commands stay the same, you just need to add the --ledger flag.

Import an account

Note: You can use any number you'd like for your account number. Be sure to remember the number you used, so you can recover if needed. The default for the account number is 0.

secretcli keys add <account name> --ledger --account <account number> 

Display your account address

secretcli keys show -a <account name>

Add an account to secretcli that already exists on your Ledger device

You'll use this when you, say, using a different machine.

secretcli keys add <account name> --ledger --account <account number on your Ledger device> --recover 

Warning: if you run the above command without the --ledger flag, the CLI will prompt you to enter your BIP39 mnemonic, which is your Ledger device recovery phrase. YOU DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS. This will essentially save your private key locally, which defeats the purpose of using a Ledger device.

The commands below assume that you run them on the same machine where you have a Secret Network node running. If you wish to connect to a remote Secret Network node while you interact with your Ledger device locally, the following command will use a publicly available node or pick one from Connecting to the Network:

secretd config node https://rpc.mainnet.secretsaturn.net

Send tokens

secretcli tx bank send <account name or address> <to_address> <amount> --ledger 

Delegate SCRT to a validator

secretcli tx staking delegate <validator address> <amount to bond> --from <account key> --ledger

Collect rewards and commission

secretcli tx distribution withdraw-rewards --from <account name> --commission --ledger

Vote on proposals

secretcli tx gov vote <proposal-id> <vote> --from <account name> --ledger

Deposit snip-20 token

secretcli tx snip20 deposit <contract address or label> --amount <amount> --from <account name> --ledger

Transfer snip-20 token

secretcli tx snip20 transfer <contract address or label> <to_address> <amount> --from <account name> --ledger


For support please contact the Secret Support here.

Last updated