How to deploy SecretPath on your chain

Secretpath in itself is a trustless protocol, meaning that everyone can deploy a public gateway on their own chain. Here's how to do it:


Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Git: Version control system for cloning repositories.

  • Foundry: A blazing fast, portable, and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development.

  • Anaconda: For creating a virtual environment (Python 3.11).

  • Python 3.11 & : Required for running the relayer scripts. Python package installer.

  • Access to the Sepolia Testnet: You'll need to interact with the edeXa Testnet.

Cloning the Repository and Initial Setup

  1. Clone the SecretPath Repository

    git clone -b Solana
  2. Navigate to the Public Gateway Directory

    cd SecretPath/TNLS-Gateways/public-gateway
  3. Initialize Submodules

    git submodule update --init --recursive

Deploying the Gateway Contract

You'll deploy the gateway contract using Foundry's forge tool.

Run the Forge Script

Replace <YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY> with your actual private key. Keep your private key secure and do not share it.

forge script script/DeployGatewayScript.s.sol:DeployGatewayScript \
  --rpc-url "" \
  --broadcast \
  --retries 10 \
  -vvv \
  --optimize \
  --optimizer-runs 10000000 \
  --legacy \
  --private-key <YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY> \
  --evm-version paris

Handling Gas Price Error

If you encounter the following error:

Failed to send transaction

- server returned an error response: error code -32009: Gas price below configured minimum gas price

You need to adjust the gas price.

a. Estimate the Correct Gas Price

Visit the Ethereum Sepolia Testnet explorer to check recent gas prices:

b. Add the Gas Price Flag

Re-run the forge script with the --with-gas-price flag:

forge script script/DeployGatewayScript.s.sol:DeployGatewayScript \
  --rpc-url "" \
  --broadcast \
  --retries 10 \
  -vvv \
  --optimize \
  --optimizer-runs 10000000 \
  --legacy \
  --private-key <YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY> \
  --evm-version paris \
  --with-gas-price 2gwei

Understanding the Deployment Output

Upon successful deployment, you will see two contract addresses:

  • Implementation Address: The first address, representing the implementation contract.

  • Gateway Address: The second address, which is the Transparent Upgradeable Proxy contract.

Note: The Gateway Admin is your wallet address (you are the owner of the contracts). The Proxy Admin is specified in the logs of the Gateway Address contract deployment. The Proxy Admin contract is exclusively used for upgrading contracts, and the Gateway Admin is the owner of this Proxy Admin contract.

Configuring the Relayer


Open config.yml for Editing

nano config.yml

Add the Following Configuration

Replace <YOUR_GATEWAY_ADDRESS> with the Gateway Address obtained from the deployment step.

"11155111": #Ethereum Sepolia
  active: false
  type: "evm"
  chain_id: "11155111"
  contract_address: "0x3879E146140b627a5C858a08e507B171D9E43139"
  timeout: 1

Add Environment Variables

Create a .env file or set the following environment variables. Replace the placeholders with your actual private keys. Keep your private keys secure and do not share them.

ethereum-private-key = <YOUR_ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY>
solana-private-key = <YOUR_SOLANA_PRIVATE_KEY>
secret-private-key = <YOUR_SECRET_PRIVATE_KEY>

Setting Up the Virtual Environment

Install Anaconda

Download and install Anaconda for your operating system:

Create a Virtual Environment

conda create --name secretpath_env python=3.11

Activate the Virtual Environment

conda activate secretpath_env

Install Dependencies

Navigate to the relayer directory if you're not already there:


Install the required Python packages, make sure to not install depencencies as this may lead to dependency hell.

pip install -r requirements.txt --no-dependencies

Running the Relayer

Start the Relayer


Handling the LRU Error

If you encounter an error related to lru-dict, update it using:

pip install --upgrade lru-dict

Last updated