Typescript SDK

CCL IBC SDK for typescript developers

Typescript Demo

See a fullstack Next.js typescript demo here (using Osmosis Mainnet). Code available here.


For encryption, we recommend using @solar-republic/neutrino which has useful chacha20poly1305related functionalities and additional primitives for generating ephemereal lightweight wallets. Installation:

npm install --save @solar-republic/neutrino

For signing, encoding and other cryptographic needs in the Cosmos ecosystem, it is common to use the suite of @cosmjs packages. You can install the following:

npm install --save @cosmjs/crypto @cosmjs/amino @cosmjs/encoding

If you are developing in the browser environment or connecting to a public network you might also need

npm install --save @cosmjs/stargate
# or
npm install --save @cosmjs/cosmwasm-stargate

Note: You can also use any Typescript / Javascript package managers and runtimes e,g, bun, yarn, pnpm etc.

Generating Wallets

For chacha20poly1305, we need to use a crypthographic keypair and it's advised to use one that isn't the same as the user's wallet. The SDK provides a method for generating a new wallet that can be used for encryption purposes. For our purposes, we just need a private / public keys of Secp256k1 type and there are various ways to generate them.


import { Slip10Curve, Random, Bip39, Slip10, stringToPath, Secp256k1 } from "@cosmjs/crypto"

const seed = await Bip39.mnemonicToSeed(Bip39.encode(Random.getBytes(16)));
const { privateKey } = Slip10.derivePath(Slip10Curve.Secp256k1, seed, stringToPath("m/44'/1'/0'/0"));
const pair = await Secp256k1.makeKeypair(privateKey);
// must be compressed to 33 bytes from 65
const publicKey = Secp256k1.compressPubkey(pair.pubkey);


import { gen_sk, sk_to_pk } from "@solar-republic/neutrino"

const privateKey = gen_sk(); 
const publicKey = sk_to_pk(privateKey);


import { Wallet } from "secretjs";
const { privateKey, publicKey } = new Wallet()

Query Client

Before proceeding to encryption, you might want to create a quering client that will be used for querying the state and contract of the Secret Network. At the very least, it is requited for fetching the public key of a gateway contract for deriving a shared key used later for encryption.

To perform a simple query on a secret contract we can use methods from @solar-republic/neutrino:

import { SecretContract } from "@solar-republic/neutrino"

// create a contract instantse
const contract = await SecretContract(

// query example:
// get encryption key from a gateway contract
const queryRes = await contract.query({ encryption_key: {} })

// extract res value
const gatewayPublicKey = queryRes[2]

For more persistent use-cases you can use secretjs:

import { SecretNetworkClient } from "secretjs"

// create a client:
const client = new SecretNetworkClient({
    url // endpoint URL of the node

// query the contact and get the value directly
const gatewayPublicKey =  await client.query.compute.queryContract({
    code_hash, // optionally
    { encryption_key: {} } // query msg


To make sure that malicious applications aren't tricking the user into signing an actual blockchain transaction, it is discouraged to sign arbitrary blobs of data. To address the situation, there are various standards that inject additional data to the message before signing it. The most used in the Cosmos ecosystem is defined in ADR 036 which is also used in the SDK.

Browser Wallets

Most of the Cosmos wallets provide a method for signing arbitrary messages following the mentioned specification.

Here is a definition taken from documentation of Keplr wallet:

// window.keplr.signArbi....
signArbitrary(chainId: string, signer: string, data: string | Uint8Array) : Promise<StdSignature>

Although the API method requires a chainId, it is set to empty string before signing the message


Cosmology defines signArbitrary method as part of the interface for their wallet client and provides implementation / integration for every popular Cosmos wallet out there


The logic of the method has already been implemented and proposed as an addition to the library however it has been hanging in a unmerged PR for a while. You can find the full implementation with examples and tests [PR] Here


Getting Signer and Signer Address

Firstly we need to get an amino signer that will be used for generating the signature. @cosmjs has a defined interface OfflineAminoSigner with signAmino and getAccounts methods and any other signer that implements it can be used for the purpose.

// In browser environment we can get it from a wallet extension. E.g with Keplr:
const signer = window.keplr.getOfflineSigner(chainId);

//  ...

// In Node environment we can use `Secp256k1Wallet` class that also implements `OfflineAminoSigner` interface
import { Secp256k1Wallet } from "@cosmjs/amino"

// see examples of generating a random above but in this case you will probably be using a persistent one from a .env file 
// you can also pass extra options like prefix as the second argument
const signer = await Secp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(userMnemonic) 

//  ...

// Here we are getting the first accounts from the signer
// accessing the address and renaming it to `signerAddress` 
const [{ address : signerAddress }] =  await signer.getAccounts();

//  ...

Generating the message and StdSignDoc

To use signAmino, we need to generate a StdSignDoc object that will be used for signing the message to pass as an argument.

CosmJS provides a function for this:

function makeSignDoc(msgs: AminoMsg[], fee: StdFee, chainId: string, memo: string | undefined, accountNumber: number | string, sequence: number | string, timeout_height?: bigint): StdSignDoc;

The 036 standard requires the message fields to AminoMsg to be:

type AminoMsg = {
    // static type url
    type: ;
    value: {
        // signer address
        signer: string;
        // plaintext or base64 encoded message
        data: string;

As for the rest of the fields, they can be set to an empty string or 0. The final example will look like this:

const data = "my message";

const signDoc  = makeSignDoc(
    [{                              // list of amino messages
        type: "sign/MsgSignData", 
        value:  { 
            signer: signerAddress, 
            data:   data 
    { gas: "0", amount: [] },      // StdFee
    "",                            // chainId 
    "",                            // memo
    0,                             // accountNumber
    0                              // sequence
    // timeout_height

After getting the document we can sign it with the signer:

const signRes = await signer.signAmino(signerAddress, signDoc);


After getting a public key of a gateway contract you can use it to derive a shared key like this:

import { sha256, Random } from "@cosmjs/crypto"
import { fromBase64, toBase64, toAscii } from "@cosmjs/encoding";
import { chacha20_poly1305_seal, ecdh } from "@solar-republic/neutrino"
// this is a dependency of `@solar-republic/neutrino` so consider importing these methos 
import { concat, json_to_bytes } from "@blake.regalia/belt";

// ...
//   define
//      `clientPrivateKey`
//      `gatewayPublicKey`
//      `signerAddress`
//   like described above
// ...

const sharedKey = sha256(ecdh(clientPrivateKey, gatewayPublicKey))

// We also need to generate a one-time nonce, which can be done like this:
const nonce =  Random.getBytes(12)

// Prepare a message for the action you want to take on the contract
const msg = ExecuteMsg { ...}

/// Defining payload structure idential to the Rust data structure
const payload : EncryptedPayload = {
    // e.g, cosmos1...
    user_address: signerAddress,
    // uint8array -> base64  (-> Binary)
    user_pubkey: toBase64(signerPubkey),
    // e.g. "cosmos" from "cosmos1..."
    hrp: signerAddress.split("1")[0], 
    // or to toBinary(msg) from `@cosmjs/cosmwasm-stargate`
    msg: toBase64(json_to_bytes(msg))

/// getting the payload ciphertext 
const ciphertext = concat(chacha20_poly1305_seal(
    // or toUtf8( JSON.stringify(payload) )  
    json_to_bytes( payload )

// finally the payload_hash is sha256 of the ciphertext
const ciphertextHash = sha256(ciphertext);

//    ...

Encrypting + Signing

Produced digest of hashing the ciphertext can be used as our message that we want to sign according to the 036 standard. The final message will look like this:

// calling `makeSignDoc` with nullifed fields like described earlier
const signDoc = getArb36SignDoc(signerAddress, ciphertextHash);
// signing the message
const signRes = await signer.signAmino(signerAddress, signDoc);

After this we are getting all the required fields for creating an EncryptedPayload message or an ExecuteMsg::Encrypted { ... }

const encrypted = {
    // uint8array -> base64  (-> Binary)
    nonce              :     toBase64(nonce),
    // public key of a pair that was used in deriving a shread key 
    user_key           :     toBase64(clientPublicKey),
    // ciphertext of with the user data and actual message
    payload            :     toBase64(ciphertext),
    // sha256 hash of the ciphertext
    payload_hash       :     toBase64(ciphertextHash),
    // signatire over sha256( getArb36SignDoc( payload_hash ) ) already in base64
    payload_signature  :     signRes.signature.signature,

Broadcasting the message

The encrypted message is safe to broadcast over public blockchain and other infrastructure. A common use-case in context of Cosmos account might be broadcasting it over IBC originating from a chain other than the Secret Network.

The potential use-case might involve broadcasting the message by initiating an IBC message directly and attaching the message as a payload (IBC-Hook) or passing the message to a smart contract on a remote chain to process and bridge it to the Secret Network.

Since Cosmwasm is quite flexible with defining messages due to supporting JSON serialization, it is possible the process is very similar in both cases so we only going to cover IBC-hooks for simplicity:

import { MsgTransfer } from "cosmjs-types/ibc/applications/transfer/v1/tx";
import { SigningStargateClient, MsgTransferEncodeObject } from "@cosmjs/stargate";

/// creating a client
const client = await SigningStargateClient(
    "https://rpc.cosmoshub.io"    //  endpoint of the remote network 
    signer,                       // offlineSigner  

// defining the IBC transfer message
const msg : MsgTransferEncodeObject = {
    typeUrl: "/ibc.applications.transfer.v1.MsgTransfer",
    value: MsgTransfer.fromPartial({
      sender:   signerAddress,
      receiver: secretGatewayContractAddress,
      sourceChannel: "channel-0",
      sourcePort: "transfer",
      timeoutTimestamp:  BigInt(
        // 5 minutes from now           |  ms -> ns
        Math.floor(Date.now() + 300_000) * 1_000_000
      // IBC Hook memo msg
      memo: JSON.stringify({
        wasm: {
            // must be same as receiver
            contract: secretGatewayContractAddress,
            // encrypted message defined above
            msg: encrypted

// signing and broadcasting the message
const res = await client.signAndBroadcast(signerAddress, [msg])

Last updated

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