Secret Tokens (SNIP-20)

Learn how to create a SNIP-20 token on Secret Network


In this tutorial, we are going to create our own SNIP-20 token on Secret Network using Secret Labs' SNIP-20 reference implementation contract, and we will learn how to upload, instantiate, execute, and query our SNIP-20 contract using Secret.js. Let's dive in!

Source Code

You can clone the source code here, which we will reference throughout the course of this documentation.


Use the following guide to set up your developer environment.

Build and Deploy Contract

Now that you've cloned the SNIP-20 reference implementation repo above, let's compile the contract. In your terminal run make compile-optimized.

In Rust, a Makefile can be used to automate tasks such as building the project, running tests, or even generating documentation. Make compile-optimized is running the following optimizer command, which you can view in the Makefile:

Optimizer command

RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

Configuring Secret.js

  1. In your root project folder, create a new folder called node.

  2. In your node folder, create a new javascript file calledindex.js.

  3. Run npm init -y to create a package.json file.

  4. Add "type" : "module" to your package.json file.

  5. Install secret.js:npm i secretjs

Uploading the SNIP-20 Contract

In your index.js file, paste the following (be sure to replace the wallet seed phrase with your wallet seed phrase):

import { Wallet, SecretNetworkClient, EncryptionUtilsImpl, fromUtf8, MsgExecuteContractResponse  } from "secretjs";
import * as fs from "fs";

const wallet = new Wallet(
  "your walltet seed phrase to go here"

const EncryptionSeed = EncryptionUtilsImpl.GenerateNewSeed();

const contract_wasm = fs.readFileSync("../contract.wasm.gz");

const codeId = 1072;
const contractCodeHash = "26af567eadde095c909ca6ecf58806235877e5b7ec9bfe30f1057e005f548b17";
const contractAddress = "secret1xez6pv463a0elalnj0z53w60fz6tgclv368dw0";

const secretjs = new SecretNetworkClient({
  chainId: "pulsar-3",
  url: "",
  wallet: wallet,
  walletAddress: wallet.address,
  EncryptionSeed: EncryptionSeed

let upload_contract = async () => {
  let tx = await secretjs.tx.compute.storeCode(
      sender: wallet.address,
      wasm_byte_code: contract_wasm,
      source: "",
      builder: "",
      gasLimit: 4_000_000,

  const codeId = Number(
    tx.arrayLog.find((log) => log.type === "message" && log.key === "code_id")

  console.log("codeId: ", codeId);
  // contract hash, useful for contract composition
  const contractCodeHash = (await secretjs.query.compute.codeHashByCodeId({code_id: codeId})).code_hash;
  console.log(`Contract hash: ${contractCodeHash}`);


Run node index.js in your terminal to execute the upload_contract() function. Upon successful execution, a codeId and contract hash will be returned:

codeId:  1070
Contract hash: 26af567eadde095c909ca6ecf58806235877e5b7ec9bfe30f1057e005f548b17

Instantiating the SNIP-20 Contract

In your index.js file, paste the following:

let instantiate_contract = async () => {
    const initMsg = {
      name: "Zebra",
      symbol: "ZBRA",
      decimals: 6,
      prng_seed: Buffer.from("Something really random").toString("base64"),
      admin: wallet.address,
      initial_balances: [
          address: wallet.address,
          amount: "1000000000",
    let tx = await secretjs.tx.compute.instantiateContract(
        code_id: codeId,
        sender: wallet.address,
        code_hash: contractCodeHash,
        init_msg: initMsg,
        label: " Snip-20 Example" + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000),
        gasLimit: 400_000,
    //Find the contract_address in the logs
    const contractAddress = tx.arrayLog.find(
      (log) => log.type === "message" && log.key === "contract_address"

The initMsg object in our index.js file is referencing the instantiation message defined in at line 20. Notice that we chose to omit the optional config variable. If we include config, there is a variety of additional contract functionality that we could program, such as burn, mint, admin privileges, etc as seen here.

Now we are going to instantiate some ZBRA coin. If you want to create your own coin name, update the name, symbol, and amount fields respectively. Be sure to comment out upload_contract() and now run node index.js to call instantiate_contract(). Upon successful execution, a contract address will be returned:


Query the Token Info

To check that the instantiation of our SNIP-20 ZEBRA token was successful, let's query the smart contract's token info:

let query_token_info = async () => {
  const tokenInfoQuery = await secretjs.query.compute.queryContract({
    contract_address: contractAddress,
    query: {
      token_info: {},
    code_hash: contractCodeHash,


The following is returned upon successful query:

token_info: { name: 'Zebra', symbol: 'ZBRA', decimals: 6, total_supply: null }

The reason total supply is null is because we chose to make total supply hidden in our instantiation message. If you want it to be public, then in the InitConfig variable set public_total_supply to true.

SNIP-20 Contract Messages

Now that we have successfully instantiated our SNIP-20 contract, let's send an execution message to better understand the contract's functionality.

Start by adding the token to your Keplr wallet. Click on Keplr, select the hamburger icon, select "Add Token", and then paste in your token's contract address. If you need to fund your wallet to execute the transaction, you can do so using the pulsar-3 faucet here. You should now see your token in your Keplr wallet!

Let's transfer some tokens to another wallet address. The transfer message is defined in as follows:

  Transfer {
        recipient: String,
        amount: Uint128,
        memo: Option<String>,
        decoys: Option<Vec<Addr>>,
        entropy: Option<Binary>,
        padding: Option<String>,

Now let's execute the transfer message with secret.js. Be sure to update the recipient wallet address with your own wallet before executing the code below. For testing purposes, I am using two Keplr wallet connected to the Secret Network testnet in order to move funds back and forth:

let transfer_snip20 = async (receiver_wallet) => {
  let executeMsg = {
    transfer: {
      owner: wallet.address,
      amount: "10000000",
      recipient: receiver_wallet,

  let tx = await secretjs.tx.compute.executeContract(
      sender: wallet.address,
      contract_address: contractAddress,
      code_hash: contractCodeHash,
      msg: executeMsg,
      gasLimit: 100_000,


Congrats! You just successfully transferred your own SNIP-20 token on Secret Network! 🎉

Last updated