
On mainnet, you can delegate uscrt to a validator. These delegators can receive part of the validator's fee revenue. To learn more read about the Cosmos Token Model.

Query Validators

You can query the list of all validators of a specific chain:

secretcli q staking validators

If you want to get the information of a single validator you can check it with:

secretcli q staking validator <validator-address>

Note: _ A list of validators on the pulsar-3 Secret Network testnet can be found here._

Bond Tokensw

On the Secret Network mainnet, we delegate uscrt, where 1scrt = 1000000uscrt. Here's how you can bond tokens to a validator (i.e. delegate):

secretcli tx staking delegate \
	<amount> \


secretcli tx staking delegate \
	secretvaloper1l2rsakp388kuv9k8qzq6lrm9taddae7fpx59wm \
	1000uscrt \
	--from <key-alias>

<validator-operator-address> is the operator address of the validator to which you intend to delegate. If you are running a full node, you can find this with:

secretcli keys show <key-alias> --bech val

Where <key-alias> is the name of the key you specified when you initialized secretd.

While tokens are bonded, they are pooled with all the other bonded tokens in the network. Validators and delegators obtain a percentage of shares that equal their stake in this pool.

Withdraw Rewards

To withdraw the delegator rewards:

secretcli tx distribution withdraw-rewards <validator-operator-address> --from <key-alias>

Query Delegations

Once you've submitted a delegation to a validator, you can see it's information by using the following command:

secretcli q staking delegation <delegator-address> <validator-operator-address>


secretcli q staking delegation \
	secret1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ld75ru9p \

Or if you want to check all your current delegations with distinct validators:

secretcli q staking delegations <delegator-address>

Unbond Tokens

There currently is in place a 21 days unbonding rule, during which no rewards are handed out.

If for any reason the validator misbehaves, or you just want to unbond a certain amount of tokens, use this following command:

secretcli tx staking unbond \
  <validator-address> \
  10uscrt \
  --from=<key-alias> \

The unbonding will be automatically completed when the unbonding period passes.

Query Unbonding-Delegations

Once you begin an unbonding-delegation, you can see it's information by using the following command:

secretcli q staking unbonding-delegation <delegator-address> <validator-operator-address>

Or if you want to check all your current unbonding-delegations with distinct validators:

secretcli q staking unbonding-delegations <delegator-address>

Additionally, you can get all the unbonding-delegations from a particular validator:

secretcli q staking unbonding-delegations-from <validator-operator-address>

Redelegate Tokens

A redelegation is a type delegation that allows you to bond illiquid tokens from one validator to another:

secretcli tx staking redelegate \
  <src-validator-operator-address> \
  <dst-validator-operator-address> \
  10uscrt \
  --from=<key-alias> \

Here you can also redelegate a specific shares-amount or a shares-fraction with the corresponding flags.

The redelegation will be automatically completed when the unbonding period has passed.

Query Redelegations

Once you begin an redelegation, you can see it's information by using the following command:

secretcli q staking redelegation <delegator-address> <src-valoper-address> <dst-valoper-address>

Or if you want to check all your current unbonding-delegations with distinct validators:

secretcli q staking redelegations <delegator-address>

Additionally, you can get all the outgoing redelegations from a particular validator:

  secretcli q staking redelegations-from <validator-operator-address>

Query Parameters

Parameters define high level settings for staking. You can get the current values by using:

secretcli q staking params

With the above command you will get the values for:

  • Unbonding time

  • Maximum numbers of validators

  • Coin denomination for staking


$ secretcli q staking params


"unbonding_time": "1814400000000000",

"max_validators": 50,

"max_entries": 7,

"historical_entries": 0,

"bond_denom": "uscrt"


All these values will be subject to updates though a governance process by ParameterChange proposals.

Query Pool

A staking Pool defines the dynamic parameters of the current state. You can query them with the following command:

secretcli q staking pool

With the pool command you will get the values for:

  • Not-bonded and bonded tokens

  • Token supply

  • Current annual inflation and the block in which the last inflation was processed

  • Last recorded bonded shares

Query Delegations To Validator

You can also query all of the delegations to a particular validator:

  secretcli q staking delegations-to <validator-operator-address>


$ secretcli q staking delegations-to secretvaloper1gghjut3ccd8ay0zduzj64hwre2fxs9ldmqhffj


Last updated

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