Deploying a Contract
using SecretNET;
using SecretNET.Common;
using SecretNET.Common.Storage;
using SecretNET.Tx;
// Select a storage provider for the wallet
// Docs:
var storageProvider = new AesEncryptedFileStorage("", "SuperSecurePassword");
var createWalletOptions = new CreateWalletOptions(storageProvider);
// Import wallet from mnemonic phrase
// Use key created snippet "Create a new Wallet"
Wallet wallet = null;
if (await storageProvider.HasPrivateKey())
var storedMnemonic = await storageProvider.GetFirstMnemonic();
Console.WriteLine("Use stored mnemonic: " + storedMnemonic);
wallet = await Wallet.Create(storedMnemonic, options: createWalletOptions);
Console.WriteLine("wallet.Address: " + wallet.Address);
// get infos from
var gprcUrl = "";
var chainId = "pulsar-3";
// Create a connection to Secret Network node
// Pass in a wallet that can sign transactions
// Docs:
var secretClient = new SecretNetworkClient(gprcUrl, chainId, wallet: wallet);
// Upload the wasm of a simple contract
byte[] wasmByteCode = File.ReadAllBytes(@"mysimplecounter.wasm.gz");
// MsgStoreCode
var msgStoreCodeCounter = new MsgStoreCode(
source: "", // Source is a valid absolute HTTPS URI to the contract's source code, optional
builder: "" // Builder is a valid docker image name with tag, optional
var storeCodeResponse = await secretClient.Tx.Compute.StoreCode(msgStoreCodeCounter, new TxOptions() { GasLimit = 2_000_000 });
var codeId = storeCodeResponse.Response.CodeId;
// contract hash, useful for contract composition
var contractCodeHash = await secretClient.Query.Compute.GetCodeHashByCodeId(codeId);
// Create an instance of the Counter contract, providing a starting count
var msgInitContract = new MsgInstantiateContract(
codeId: codeId,
label: $"My Counter {codeId}",
initMsg: new { count = 100 },
codeHash: contractCodeHash); // optional but way faster
var initContractResponse = await secretClient.Tx.Compute.InstantiateContract(msgInitContract, new TxOptions() { GasLimit = 200_000 });
//Find the contract_address in the logs
var contractAddress = initContractResponse?.Response?.Address;
var msgExecuteContract = new MsgExecuteContract(
contractAddress: contractAddress,
msg: new { increment = new { } },
codeHash: contractCodeHash);
var tx = await secretClient.Tx.Compute.ExecuteContract(msgExecuteContract, new TxOptions() { GasLimit = 200_000 });
Last updated
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