Testnet State Sync

Note: This documentation assumes you have followed the instructions for Running a Full Node for Testnet.

WARNING: This will erase your node database. If you are already running validator, be sure you backed up your config/priv_validator_key.json and config/node_key.json prior to running unsafe-reset-all.

The state-sync configuration in ~/.secretd/config/app.toml is as follows:

# snapshot-interval specifies the block interval at which local state sync snapshots are
# taken (0 to disable). Must be a multiple of pruning-keep-every.
snapshot-interval = 2000

# snapshot-keep-recent specifies the number of recent snapshots to keep and serve (0 to keep all).
snapshot-keep-recent = 10

1. Set SNAP_RPC variable to a snapshot RPC


Set the state-sync BLOCK_HEIGHT and fetch the TRUST_HASH from the snapshot RPC. The BLOCK_HEIGHT to sync is determined by finding the latest block that's a multiple of snapshot-interval.

BLOCK_HEIGHT=$(curl -s $SNAP_RPC/block | jq -r .result.block.header.height | awk '{print $1 - ($1 % 2000)}'); \
TRUST_HASH=$(curl -s "$SNAP_RPC/block?height=$BLOCK_HEIGHT" | jq -r .result.block_id.hash)

2. Check variables to ensure they have been set


# output should be something similar to:
# 3506000 FCB54D74A4A33F8C1CC18A7240D76D87CB192A89C17837C4DB6C6140612DDFEB

3. Set the required variables in ~/.secretd/config/config.toml

sed -i.bak -E "s|^(enable[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1true| ; \
s|^(rpc_servers[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1\"http://rpc.testnet.secretsaturn.net:26657,http://secret-testnet-rpc.01no.de:26657\"| ; \
s|^(trust_height[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1$BLOCK_HEIGHT| ; \
s|^(trust_hash[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1\"$TRUST_HASH\"| ; \
s|^(seeds[[:space:]]+=[[:space:]]+).*$|\1\"\"|" $HOME/.secretd/config/config.toml

4. Stop the node and reset the node database

WARNING: This will erase your node database. If you are already running validator, be sure you backed up your config/priv_validator_key.json and config/node_key.json prior to running unsafe-reset-all.

It is recommended to copy data/priv_validator_state.json to a backup and restore it after unsafe-reset-all to avoid potential double signing.

sudo systemctl stop secret-node && secretd tendermint unsafe-reset-all --home ~/.secretd/

5. Restart node and check logs

This generally takes several minutes to complete, but has been known to take up to 24 hours.

sudo systemctl restart secret-node && journalctl -fu secret-node

Last updated