Install secretd

Unlike other Tendermint/Cosmos based daemons, secretd cannot be built from source due to the SGX requirement. For other builds other than .deb, see the Secret Network Github Releases.

Download, Verify and Install secretd

The most common method for install secretd is the Secret Network package installer for Debian/Ubuntu:

# download secretd v1.12

wget ""

# Verify the v1.12 binaries
echo '10bd6edf4425041bfaaf43df3741b8a81151a707249b4714f521f8abc56776d1 secretnetwork_1.12.0-beta.8_testnet_goleveldb_amd64.deb' | sha256sum --check

# Install v1.12 binaries
sudo apt install -y "./secretnetwork_1.12.0-beta.8_testnet_goleveldb_amd64.deb"

# verify installation
secretd version
# 1.12.0-beta.8

Last updated