Query Proposals

Available Commands

Available Commands:
  deposit     Query details of a deposit
  deposits    Query deposits on a proposal
  param       Query the parameters (voting|tallying|deposit) of the governance process
  params      Query the parameters of the governance process
  proposal    Query details of a single proposal
  proposals   Query proposals with optional filters
  proposer    Query the proposer of a governance proposal
  tally       Get the tally of a proposal vote
  vote        Query details of a single vote
  votes       Query votes on a proposal

Querying Proposals

Query Using Proposal ID

Once created, you can now query information of the proposal:

secretcli query gov proposal <proposal_id>
# Output of querying for a proposal

  '@type': /cosmos.gov.v1beta1.TextProposal
  description: "A description with line breaks \n and `code formatting`"
  title: My Cool Proposal
deposit_end_time: "2022-06-28T14:16:06.110227079Z"
  abstain: "0"
  "no": "0"
  no_with_veto: "0"
  "yes": "0"
proposal_id: "14"
submit_time: "2022-06-28T13:16:06.110227079Z"
- amount: "100000000"
  denom: uscrt
voting_end_time: "2022-06-28T14:16:06.110227079Z"
voting_start_time: "2022-06-28T13:16:06.110227079Z"

Query For All Proposals

You can query for all available proposals using:

secretcli query gov proposals

Query For Proposal Depositor

You can query for the proposal depositor using:

secretcli query gov deposit \
    [proposal-id] \
    [depositer-addr] \

Query For Proposal Depositors

You can query for the proposal depositors using:

secretlcli query gov deposits \
    [proposal-id] \

Query For Proposal Voter

You can query for the proposal voter using:

secretcli query gov vote \
    [proposal-id] \
    [voter-addr] \

Query for Proposal Proposer

To query for the proposer of a given governance proposal use:

secretcli query gov proposer 
    [proposal-id] \

Query Proposal Tally Results

To check the current tally of a given proposal you can use the tally command:

secretcli query gov tally 
    [proposal-id] \

Query Governance Proposals

To check the current governance parameters run:

secretcli query gov params
  max_deposit_period: "3600000000000"
  - amount: "10000000"
    denom: uscrt
  quorum: "0.334000000000000000"
  threshold: "0.500000000000000000"
  veto_threshold: "0.334000000000000000"
  voting_period: "3600000000000"

Querying Subsets of Governance Proposals


To query subsets of the governance parameters for voting run:

secretcli query gov param voting
voting_period: "3600000000000"


To query subsets of the governance parameters for tallying run:

secretcli query gov param tallying
quorum: "0.334000000000000000"
threshold: "0.500000000000000000"
veto_threshold: "0.334000000000000000"


To query subsets of the deposit governance parameters for voting run:

secretcli query gov param deposit
max_deposit_period: "3600000000000"
- amount: "10000000"
  denom: uscrt

Last updated