# Use the -a flag to display the addres only
secretcli keys show -a <key-alias>
You can also supply your address with the following command:
# This grabs the desired acount address and uses it as an input to the
# secretcli query bank balances command
secretcli query bank balances $(secretcli keys show -a <key-alias>)
Note: When querying an account balance with zero tokens, you will get the error: No account with address <secret-address> was found in the state. This can also happen if you fund the account before your node is fully synced. These are both normal.
Send Tokens
Use the following command to send tokens from one account to another:
secretcli tx bank send <sender-key-alias-or-address> <recipient-address> --fees=70000uscrt 10uscrt
Note: The amount argument accepts the format <value|coin_name>. You may want to cap the maximum gas consumed by transactions via the --gas flag.
If you pass --gas=auto, the gas supply is automatically estimated before transaction execution.
Inaccurate gas estimates may occur in-between the end of the simulation and the actual execution of a transaction. An adjustment needs to be applied on top of the original estimate for the transaction to be broadcasted successfully. Adjustment are controlled via the --gas-adjustment flag, with a default value of 1.0.
To view updated balances of origin and destination accounts use:
secretcli query bank balances <secret-address>
secretcli query bank balances <recipient-address>
You can also check balances at any block height using the --height flag:
secretcli query bank balances <secret-address> --height=<block_height>
secretcli query bank balances \
secret1kcy20p0cs2wakeqz00xgs5m0cmj65283xqmvfs \
--height=3415892 | jq
Note: The --generate-only flag prevents secretcli from accessing the local keybase. When the flag is supplied <sender-key-alias-or-address> must be an address.
Validate Signatures
You can validate transaction signatures by typing the following: