Creating a Validator
Got questions or need help with becoming a validator?
Visit the Secret Network Discord here and ask in #node-discussion or #node-support for help
In order to become an active validator, you must have more stake than the bottom validator . You may still execute the following steps, but you will not be active and therefore won't receive staking rewards.
In order to become a validator, you node must be fully synced with the network, using either the Quicksync / Snapshot or Statesync .
After you completed these steps, you can check this by doing:
When the value of catching_up
is false , your node is fully sync'd with the network and ready to go.
Copy "sync_info" : {
"latest_block_hash" : "7BF95EED4EB50073F28CF833119FDB8C7DFE0562F611DF194CF4123A9C1F4640" ,
"latest_app_hash" : "7C0C89EC4E903BAC730D9B3BB369D870371C6B7EAD0CCB5080B5F9D3782E3559" ,
"latest_block_height" : "668538" ,
"latest_block_time" : "2020-10-31T17:50:56.800119764Z" ,
"earliest_block_hash" : "E7CAD87A4FDC47DFDE3D4E7C24D80D4C95517E8A6526E2D4BB4D6BC095404113" ,
"earliest_app_hash" : "" ,
"earliest_block_height" : "1" ,
"earliest_block_time" : "2021-09-15T14:02:31Z" ,
"catching_up" : false
Confirm Wallet is Funded:
This is the secret
wallet which you used to create your full node, and will use to delegate your funds to you own validator. You must delegate at least 1 SCRT (1000000uscrt) from this wallet to your validator.
Copy secretd q bank balances $( secretd keys show -a < key-alia s > )
If you get the following message, it means that you have no tokens, or your node is not yet synced:
Copy ERROR: unknown address: account secret1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx does not exist
Backup Validator Key
Before creating your validator, backup your validator key.
WARNING: if you don't backup your key and your node goes down, you will lose your validator and have to start a new one.
Create Validator
Remember 1 SCRT = 1,000,000 uSCRT, and so the command below stakes 10 SCRT
Copy secretd tx staking create-validator path/to/validator.json --from < key-alia s >
Where validator.json contains:
"pubkey" : {
< secretd tendermint show-validato r >
"amount" : "100000000uscrt" ,
"moniker" : "<MONIKER>" ,
"identity" : "optional identity signature (ex. UPort or Keybase)" ,
"website" : "validator's optional website" ,
"security" : "validator's optional security contact email" ,
"details" : "To infinity and beyond!" ,
"commission-rate" : "0.10" ,
"commission-max-rate" : "0.20" ,
"commission-max-change-rate" : "0.01" ,
"min-self-delegation" : "1"
Confirm Validator is Created
You should see your moniker listed.
Copy secretd q staking validators | grep moniker
Important CLI Commands for Validators
Staking More Tokens
(remember 1 SCRT = 1,000,000 uSCRT)
In order to stake more tokens beyond those in the initial transaction, run:
Copy secretd tx staking delegate $( secretcli keys show < key-alia s > --bech=val -a ) < amoun t > uscrt --from < key-alia s >
Editing Your Validator
Copy secretd tx staking edit-validator \
--new-moniker "<new-moniker>" \
--website "" \
--identity 6A0D65E29A4CBC8E \
--details "To infinity and beyond!" \
--chain-id < chain_i d > \
--from < key_nam e > \
--commission-rate "0.10"
Seeing Your Rewards From Being A Validator
Copy secretd q distribution rewards $( secretcli keys show -a < key-alia s > )
Seeing Your Commissions From Your Delegators
Copy secretd q distribution commission $( secretcli keys show -a < key-alia s > --bech=val )
Withdrawing Rewards
Copy secretd tx distribution withdraw-rewards $( secretcli keys show --bech=val -a < key-alia s > ) --from < key-alia s >
Withdrawing Rewards+Commissions
Copy secretd tx distribution withdraw-rewards $( secretcli keys show --bech=val -a < key-alia s > ) --from < key-alia s > --commission
Removing Your Validator
Currently deleting a validator is not possible. If you redelegate or unbond your self-delegations then your validator will become offline and all your delegators will start to unbond.
Changing Your Validator's Commission-Rate
You are currently unable to modify the --commission-max-rate
and --commission-max-change-rate"
Modifying the commision-rate can be done using this:
Copy secretd tx staking edit-validator --commission-rate= "0.05" --from < key-alia s >
To unjail your jailed validator
Copy secretd tx slashing unjail --from < key-alia s >
Signing Info
To retrieve a validator's signing info:
Copy secretd q slashing signing-info < validator-conspub-ke y >
Query Parameters
You can get the current slashing parameters via:
Copy secretd q slashing params