This Rust package is a collection of sub-packages that contain common tools used in development of Secret Contracts running on the Secret Network.
While the packages in this repository are designed with Secret Network's runtime in mind, some of them may work well with the vanilla CosmWasm libraries and runtimes as well, or only require minimal modifications to be compatible with them.
See usage and docs at: https://github.com/scrtlabs/secret-toolkit
The following section will detail useful tools for developing Secret Contracts
Fadroma (built by hack.bg) introduces core workflows for smart contract development and deployment on Cosmos-based platforms, specifically Secret Network! Fadroma helps developers avoid platform specific boilerplate code - automating the repetitive workflow steps by providing essential smart contract building blocks that empower developers to both maintain high development velocity and deliver a reliable product.
Fadroma is currently being developed as an in-house framework facilitating the Sienna Network project. In order to bring Fadroma to a larger developer audience, development hours are being dedicated to improving test coverage, documentation, stabilizing APIs, and ensuring compatibility with a wide range of use cases and underlying platforms.
Get started with Fadroma here: https://github.com/hackbg/fadroma/blob/stable/guide/basic-project-setup.md
The following is the list of some of the important initial feature of Fadroma - creating a unique and fluid development experience.
Fadroma Prelude - reexport of platform libraries, with added types for frequently used building blocks:
, a data type that contains a contract address and code hash
and Canonize
- traits to convert structures that contain HumanAddr
to their CanonicalAddr
equivalent and vice versa
and Permit
viewing key and permit with custom permissions
- 256-bit equivalents of the CosmWasm numeric types, etc.
Fadroma Derive: a derive macro that generates boilerplate code like message definitions and dispatch init/handle/query functions, as well as wasm32 entry points - empowering contract creation out of separate subsystems.
Fadroma Components - implementations of frequently used smart contract functionality:
Fadroma Admin: TX sender-based admin auth
Fadroma VK: viewing key-based auth
Fadroma Permit: query permit-based auth
Fadroma Killswitch: pause or permanently disable contracts
Fadroma Token: A SNIP-20 implementation forked from the reference implementation and rebuilt as a trait.
This allows individual token contract functions to be overriden without having to copy the entire codebase.
Furthermore, it enables token functionality to be added to service contracts, obviating the need for a separate contract to represent the service token.
Fadroma Ensemble: fast integration testing of multiple smart contracts in Rust by mocking the CosmWasm API - useful for testing application logic when it is distributed among several contracts.and having them run instantaneously during development.
Fadroma Ops: Node.js-based operations framework for managing the smart contract lifecycle. Provides a rich vocabulary of classes for modeling your smart contract deployment workflow.
Fadroma Build: compile smart contracts from the working tree or a past point in Git history.
Fadroma Localnet: run a localnet for development,
Fadroma Receipts: keep track of uploads and instantiations. It is possible to update an existing deployment by specifying its id from the receipts and adding additional instances or executing messages all from code.
Fadroma Schema: generate TypeScript definitions from the JSON Schema exported by contracts.
Fadroma Bundle: Execute multiple messages in a single transaction or generate an unsigned transaction for manual multi-signing.
100% test coverage
Docker Compose integration for a portable development environment based on familiar tools.
Fadroma CLI: Command-line entrypoint for creating new projects and running default and custom management commands.
(init) Start a project
(add) Add contracts to it
(compile) Compile them
This is a collection of specification and contracts designed for use on real networks. They are designed not just as examples, but to solve real-world use cases, and to provide a reusable basis to build many custom contracts.
Version by SCRT labs:
Version by Secure Secrets:
Rebranded version by Secure Secrets:
Warning: Compatibility of with Secret Contracts may be limited due to the missing iterator function
This is a group of tools that help you develop Smart contracts by skipping on boilerplate code.
Quick breakdown of additional tools to use for development
There are many tools created by various ecosystem contributors. These tools can be incredibly useful in different situations.
If you have a tool that you think could be added here, let us know on GitHub or Discord!
Collection of awesome things related to CosmWasm smart contracts.
https://github.com/scrtlabs/CosmWasm-Simulator - Simulator for CosmWasm transactions. Helpful when trying to debug on-chain behavior
Browser interface for smart contracts by btn.group
Monitor a validator on the Secret Network with an active telegram bot, email or phone call through Twilio
Tool to verify the WASM public binary of any contract against its source code. Make sure live contracts do what the Git repo says they do.
The Secret IDE is an all-inclusive environment for developing and deploying smart contracts on Secret Network. It's the best tool to get started with and the best tool to use, even if you're already a pro.
Currently, the Secret IDE is in public beta testing, and you can find all the information you need to get started with it here: https://github.com/digiline-io/Secret-IDE-Plugin
Polar is development framework for building secret contracts. The aim of the project is to make Secret contracts development process simple, efficient and scalable. User can focus on logic of secret contract and not much about further steps in development. It facilitates features such as initiating project repo from contract templates, easy compilation of contracts, deployment and contract testing framework.
For the full docs see: https://docs.arufaresearch.com/getting-started/